100th blog post and You!

small growing greenery with garden sign that reads 100

Welcome to the new look at Walking on Mustard Seeds. I’ve wanted to spiff up the place for you, and I hope you like it! It coincides with my 100 blog post for today. (Thank you, God, for this unplanned coincidence!)

While planning today’s post, I stumbled upon a verse that states the aim of my writing. It is from the book of Ephesians, chapter 4. Paul urged the people to live worthy of their calling as Christians. One of his points is that we are to be “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Verse 3)

Two bears fighting, up close of faces and front legs.

There is nothing worse than a family argument. In the midst of it, the entire house seems off balance. Nothing feels right until peace returns, agreements are made, apologies are spoken, and forgiveness brings the final touch, a healing balm for peace to abide.

“Unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace” (ESV) has always been necessary for God’s children.

As I read through Ephesians, I was touched by how much of it is Paul praying for the people. 

 You were built for prayer. Yes, you were created to talk with and listen to God, the creator of the universe. That is what prayer is, communication, like with a parent. Simple. With praise, requests, petitions, and more. And you were made to be prayed for.

To celebrate 100 blog posts, Paul inspired me to pray for you. So here goes!

(Inspired by Ephesians chapters 1 through 3.)

string lights in shape of heart standing on a beach.


Thank you for my dear reader. They love you so much, and I am grateful they find some small reflection of you when they visit. Give them the wisdom and knowledge they need for this day. May their hearts look forward to your plans for them. You give them power in Jesus’ name for their journey; may they use it well. With Christ rooted in their hearts, may your love fill them to overflowing.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Thank you for joining me today!

Your turn

What would you pray for someone who loves God?

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

Photo by Marcel Eberle on Unsplash (100)

Photo by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash (bears)

Photo by Fadi Xd on Unsplash (heart)

“Scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

16 thoughts on “100th blog post and You!”

  1. Amen! Well said Michele. Love the excitement and the encouragement of a people who are praying and talking to God continuously. This is definitely a key factor in the Christian life.

  2. Congratulations on 100 posts, & thank you so much for this gift, Michele! I get trapped in the unhealthy mindset that someone else, who is “worse-off” than I am, needs prayer more, but I appreciate the reminder that that’s not God plan for me or for those who desire to pray for me. This was the hug I didn’t know I needed- from God & from you!

  3. A lovely and loving sentiment! Thank you!

    Your image of arguing bears reminds me of the trip to South Dakota my husband and I took with three others of his family in 2004. One of the sites to visit is Bear Country, in which visitors like us drive in our cars through the compound, which has separated sections for different native North American species. A very large area is where the bears – brown, black, grizzly – live, in man-made dens dug into the hillsides and buried so as to look natural. While we drove through, a pick-up truck came down from the admin building loaded with leftover food from the restaurant. The truck stopped about twenty feet from us and two men got out and climbed into the back of the truck. They began to shovel the food onto the ground. In a matter of minutes, the ground was occupied by at least a hundred bears. (About a dozen timber wolves circled the margins, watching for the opportunity to duck in and snatch a bit of food when a bear was distracted.) When the food was gone, the bears ambled away back to their dens. We saw two black bears walking shoulder to shoulder, like best friends, but then they’d have a mild disagreement. They’d sit on their haunches and bat each other for a moment, growling insults at each other, then get up and continue their path, shoulder to shoulder. I think they were best friends. I dubbed them The Bickersons.

  4. Congratulations Michele! Love what the Lord is placing on your heart to share. I’ve been reading the letters that Paul wrote to the churches & feel led to keep praying for the body of Christ to stay united in love for our Lord & each other.

    1. Thanks so much Helen! Paul’s writing is filled with compassionate instructions and love. It is hard to NOT act on what he instructs. We are undoubtedly being blessed by your prayers! ❤️🙏🥰

  5. First, congratulations on 100 posts, you have the gift. Plus the new hair color is the bomb!!!
    Second, if I were to pray for someone who loves God, I would pray they open their hearts, and minds and ears. To really “Shema”. God may talk with you differently day by day and we need to be open to his message! Love you!!!

    1. Oh Cindy. Such a great point. Each new day comes with new communication with our Father. I love that prayer point. And thank you ever so much for stopping by and celebrating with me! 🙏🥰 Red hair and all. 😆🔥

    1. Awe. Thank you Dianne. 🥰 I really appreciate you always stopping by encouraging me. There is lots to lean in and learn when keeping a blog going—like keeping house. 😁😅 🙏

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