A Devotional Review

Devotional Title

Conversations With Jesus

 Tag Line

365 Daily Devotions for Teens


December 13, 2012, by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas.


Lisa Cheater

How I found this book and why I selected it.

I discovered this devotional while on Amazon, searching for a Devotional on Audible. True confession, most books I read are on Audible. I read v e r y slow. And I LOVE to read. So Audible and I are the perfect pairing! (I listen while doing chores, yard work, making dinner, walking on the treadmill, and walking my dogs.)

I thought it was a good time to select something for teens, shortly before a new school year begins.

What did I love about it?

I enjoyed so much about this devotional. To back up my overwhelming love of this book, it still ranks #5, 7, & 11 in three different teen categories on Amazon. (As of 7/12/22.) After nine and one-half years on the market, that says it all.

But, I would like to weigh in.

Each devotion starts with a familiar verse. Then, as the title promises, it is as if Jesus were to sit face to face with your teen to explain each verse and how to walk it out.

These ‘conversations’ are short and to the point.

At the end of each devotional thought, the text says, “What now?” “Pray”

A prayer point follows.

I enjoyed the repetitive question posed, what do I do with this great information about Jesus and his Word, well pray of course! How often do we need that reminder? I know I do.

The prayer points were always on target and short. Perfect bite sizes for youth, with great substance. Like a meal packed with protein.

What I didn’t like about it?

Nothing fell short in this devotional. Lisa Cheater covered, well, 365 topics that are relevant to teens.

Who would want it?

This mom of teens! LOL Okay, seriously, ages 12-18 would definitely gain wisdom from the readings. It is for both boys and girls.

Who would not want it?

Adults, although, there was a lot for me to chew on with each day’s weighty truth about God. But it is written to the teens in our lives.

Did it bear fruit?

Yes, it truly stopped me in my tracks several times, with points to savor. This would be a great addition to any student’s backpack this school year!

I am off to purchase the physical copy to read through with my girls!

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds!

Michele Marie Weisman

Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

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