Who to Trust, a Devotional Review

a dog with its face in an open book.

Devotional Title

Keep Calm and Trust God


This devotional does not have a subtitle.


Jake Provance & Keith Provance


Word and Spirit Publishing, Copyright 2014

Where I found this book and why I selected it

Grocery shopping at my local Walmart, I decided to look through the devotionals in their book section. This tiny book with a bold statement for a title grabbed my interest.

Plus, it is short, but more about that later…

What did I love about it?

I loved its price — $4.99 plus tax.

It is pocket-sized – or purse-sized.

It is only about 70 pages.

It has twelve devotions, that is it. Twelve.

Why would someone want twelve devotions? Like the tile suggests, and the authors explain, when times are difficult, we need to lean into the truth of God. There are common reactions to life that make us lead with Fear, Regret, and Anxiety, to name three of the twelve topics.

Each topic follows this simple yet ministering layout.

The topic, say Anxiety, opens with a well-known quote or not so well-known. (To this reader, anyway.)

Next is an explanation of the topic and what our actual response can be to it, followed by a prayer.

Then there are three to four fitting bible verses to reflect upon. The topic wraps up with another famous quote, but these are sometimes a quote from the bible.

What I didn’t like about it?

I loved it, so this section is a pass for me.

a wrapped gift.

Who would want it?

This is great for anyone, male or female. Teen or adult.

Who would not want it?

Ya, can’t think of anyone.

Did it bear fruit?

Yes, this tiny devotional made me tear up and take a new perspective on some things.

It is a treasure to have at hand when feeling overwhelmed by life.

an old fashioned typewriter with a white background.

Book Release

Inspire Christian Writers has released the publication of their Anthology, Inspire Courage. Appearing in it is a short fiction I wrote about a little girl facing her biggest fear in hopes of helping her family and what she discovers in the process.

Click on the link to find out more or to purchase Inspire Courage.

I would love to hear from you about the Anthology! I don’t have my copy yet, but I hear it is packed with writing by 25 authors! I can’t wait to curl up with it!

Your turn

Are you enjoying the Devotional Reviews? Would you rather hear something else from me? I would love to hear from you.

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

12 Thankful points to ponder for this month’s Devotional Review

An image of vegetables.
Photo by Marisol Benitez on Unsplash


I hope November has greeted you kindly. I hear from friends that snow and cold temperatures are at their doorsteps. In Central Texas, we are getting some needed rain, and the temps should drop from the ’80s this week to the 50s by next week.

While looking for a Devotional to review, keeping in mind this month’s Prayer and Service topic for your City, I did a quick internet search for a thankful devotional.

How does it fit into last week’s topic of Food Insecurity?

Easy. I am grateful to have enough food in my home, and I am sure you are too. 🙂

Devotional Title

Growing in Gratitude

Tag Line

12 Reasons to Be Thankful


It is simply a link on their website, Hope for the Heart.


It does not list an author.

What did I love about it?

The simplicity and depth of this 12 point devotional is rich with opportunity to reflect in your prayer time, on your own, or with others.

When my girls were younger, I searched for devotionals we could read and reflect on together. This is a jem of a find if you are in that season. Also, I can see husband and wife, friends, or bible studies, working alongside eachother on, 12 Reasons to be Thankful.

A plate with a napkin a fake plant with a note attached that says thankful.
Photo by Debby Hudson on Unsplash

The 12 devotions on thankfulness are outlined with three points. First the bible verse. Next is a self-reflective question. And it ends with examples for reflection.

I enjoyed each sellected bible verse for the gratitude point. The questions were meaningful, and the list of examples helped me to see a different perspective to examine, with God.

Growing in Gratitude is a great way to reflect this month. With 12 gratitude points to ponder, this can easily fit into your month. (No pressure. I know some of us have a lot going on, but if the Lord leads you to use this tool, to God be the glory!)

Your turn

Would you like your own copy of Growing in Gratitude by Hope for the Heart? It is free to access and if you have a printer, you can print it! Yay! I trust it will bless you this month!

A Give-Away!

An image of a man lifting a woman both laughing.

Writer and friend, Dianne Marie Andrea has just released a new book on Kindle through Amazon. I am enjoying her book, Dress Shop Miracles.

It takes place at Christmas time when a dream come true, might slip away.

I am going to give one of you a Kindle copy of, Dress Shop Miracles.


Tell us something you are grateful for in the comments below. That is all you must do. I will draw one name, from those who comment. The DEADLINE to comment is Wednesday, November 16th, 2022. The book is a digital copy sent by email.

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

First Responder’s Devotional Review

A black book with text that reads "prayers and promises for first responders".
Image from a screenshot of my Kindle.

Devotional Title

Prayers & Promises for First Responders

Tag Line

There is no tag line, but this devotional is one of 24 devotionals titled Prayer & Promises for.


BroadStreet Publishing Group, Copywrite 2021.


Adam Davis and Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

How I found this book and why I selected it.

I have seen this book in local stores. It caught my eye because it falls into one of the prayer topics for the devotional I am writing.

I thought this review would serve my readers well.

Full disclosure, by the time I decided to purchase the devotional, there were no physical copies in the local stores. Knowing I could order a copy online, I saved a few dollars purchasing it for my Kindle app.

What did I love about it?

Prayers & Promises for First Responders is a topical devotional. Meaning it is not a 30-day, 6-month, or 365-day devo. Instead, it has 70 plus topics that you can choose from, reading them in order or making your selection by topic.

Topics include Assurance, Confidence, Discipline, and Fear.

It is an excellent source for learning, being reminded of, and reflecting on the basics and depth of Christianity.

Each topic begins with an explanation of the biblical view of that word. It is followed with a prayer and a self-reflective question for the reader. Three to five verses that fit that theme finish it off.

The introduction calls the reader to dive deep into the verses, to take the action of looking them up and reading the chapters referenced in full. With this fashion of deep diving, I could see a reader sitting with one topic for a week or longer. There is a lot of meat on the bone on the pages of, Prayers & Promises for First Responders.

What I didn’t like about it.

I am not a first responder, so I am not an expert on what to have expected from the devotional. So read this portion with that understanding.

I was surprised to see that about one out of five of the devotionals made mention of First Responders. From that perspective, it spoke to a larger audience. But, I may be missing a common understanding among First Responders that they would understand in reading it.

Would any First Responders like to comment on this point? I would love your input.

Who would want it?

First Responders or someone wanting to give a gift to a First Responder.

Who would not want it?

Not First Responders.

Did it bear fruit?

I was highlighting verses right and left; it was a gold mine of topical insight of well-loved and some hidden gems.

Your turn

Is there a First Responder who you love and pray for?

a sunset with trees.
I hope you enjoy this image of a Texas sky I took while walking my dogs. Pic by Michele Marie Weisman

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds!

Michele Marie Weisman

PS. Last week I highlighted First Responders. I hope you like the idea of a devotional review that fits the Prayer and Service topic for that month. If you see any devotionals that fit the topics of City prayer, let me know. I would love to add them to my reading list!

How do you appreciate teachers?

Devotional Review
An image of the devotional with the Tital in the front with a white cover and an apple on the cover with authors clear glasses on the edge of the book.

Devotional Title

God’s Promises for the Teacher


God’s Promises


Jack Countryman

Publishing info

Copyright 2011 in Nashville, Tennessee, by Thomas Nelson. Thomas nelson is a trademark of Thomas Nelson, Inc.

How I found this book or why I selected it

My family gifted God’s Promises for the Teacher to me a few years ago. I have homeschooled our children, and they thought this would be a sweet and fitting gift for me.

What did I love about it?

I did not feel qualified to read this book. Let’s be honest, as a homeschool mom, there are some stressors I do not have to contend with that traditional teachers do. I will leave you to identify what those might be.

Reading Jack Countryman’s devotional, I realized that if we homeschool or teach in a public, private, or charter school environment, the weight of the responsibility is the same. 

Until the year 2020, when most school-age kids were learning out of their homes, I saw myself as odd. Prior to that year, some would make unkind statements or give an equivalent look exposing their thought.

Having read this devotional before 2020, I was grateful for the peace and encouragement it lent me.

Countryman’s book is laid out simply, by topic. There are major topical divisions and topics under each.  Every topic has five to seven Bible verses to read, pertaining to the topical promise from God.

Very few of the pages have a quote from someone, known or unknown.

I love the simplicity and purity of sitting with God’s word, directed at a teacher’s heart.

What I didn’t like about it

I liked everything about God’s Promises for the Teacher. Especially that it was a gift from my family.

Who would want it?

Any teacher would appreciate the devotional.

This is such a good gift idea for your children’s teacher or if you know a homeschool parent. Walmart is currently selling it for around $5.00. Early Christmas purchase or something to keep in mind for teacher appreciation days.

Major plus, there is a page at the beginning for a personal not to the teacher. I love this! Who does not want to personalize a gift like this?

Who would not want it?

Someone who is not a teacher.

Did it bear fruit?

Yes! It brought me peace and comfort in my role as a teacher to my kids. And it can be read again and again.

Fun announcement!

In case you missed it, my guest blog post for Make Me Available, went live on Saturday. Click on this link to read it! Viewing Wildflowers – MAKEMEAVAILABLE


Do you listen to Podcasts? If yes, what one is a favorite? Share in the comments.

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

An image of a magnifie glass showing a flower.
Photo by Abyan Athif on Unsplash

PS You may notice some slight changes to my website. I am tackling tech-savvy blogging one little step at a time.

Using the alphabet to pray, August’s Devotional Review, and an announcement.

Two more posts till my first anniversary of weekly blogging!

A photo of the devotional.
Photo by Michele Marie Weisman

Devotional Title

“Pray A to Z” written by Amelia Rhodes.


A Practical Guide to Pray for Your Community

How I found this book and why I selected it.

While attending my first writer’s workshop, I was told about Amelia Rhodes’s book. It was a recent release at the time, but the topic fell in line with what I was writing.

A book guiding people to pray for the people in their city.

I had to read what she wrote. One, to see if I was on the right path. Second, to see if I was writing something different enough from hers to be set apart. (Not the typical reason someone picks up a devotional or prayer book. But in the industry of writing, it is a must to know what others in your same subject have written.)

What did I love about it?

This book covers topics you would think of and more, to pray for any town, city, or suburb. The topics are relevant issues written with grit for the truth of what needs to be prayed.

As the title says, “A to Z,” she has five topics of prayer covered per letter. The first three topics are for praying over the people, and the second two are for praise and worship of God for all He is doing.

What didn’t I like about it?

Umm, I really like it.

Who would want it?

Pray A to Z is a great communal guide of prayer for those looking for something extra as they open/close their weekly bible studies, small group gatherings, or with friends who want to meet and add some prayer for their community to their connection time.

It is a great go-to for praying by topic over a situation in your community. Rhodes encourages readers to be brave and invite another to pray alongside them.

Who would not want it?

I feel this is geared toward women, but men will be delighted at how it addresses many relatable situations.

For someone who wants a rhythm built in, like the calendar dates, this would not be their jam.

Did it bear fruit?

Yes, it provides the wordI found it to be a great go-to prayer guide. So when I need help on what to pray for a topic, I can pick it up and be inspired.

A picture of fancy yogurt next to a bouquet of flowers.
Mum’s the word. LOL

Fun announcements! Plural!

I have TWO announcements–coming up! Mum’s the word—for now—sorry for the tease!

But here are a couple of photos to keep you wondering! Apparently, I am so excited about these I can not decide if they are surprises or announcements. LOL

Please do tell:

Dear Reader,

How are you liking the devotional/prayer book reviews? I plan to choose, more often, ones that fit the category of praying for our cities. Any feedback, please share in the comments!

I look forward to hearing from you.

Two more posts till my first anniversary of weekly blogging! I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I have!

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

PS The package arrived today! If you can’t see it from the photo, it is from London!

Photo by Alisa Anton on Unsplash (mums)

A Devotional Review

Devotional Title

Conversations With Jesus

 Tag Line

365 Daily Devotions for Teens


December 13, 2012, by Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas.


Lisa Cheater

How I found this book and why I selected it.

I discovered this devotional while on Amazon, searching for a Devotional on Audible. True confession, most books I read are on Audible. I read v e r y slow. And I LOVE to read. So Audible and I are the perfect pairing! (I listen while doing chores, yard work, making dinner, walking on the treadmill, and walking my dogs.)

I thought it was a good time to select something for teens, shortly before a new school year begins.

What did I love about it?

I enjoyed so much about this devotional. To back up my overwhelming love of this book, it still ranks #5, 7, & 11 in three different teen categories on Amazon. (As of 7/12/22.) After nine and one-half years on the market, that says it all.

But, I would like to weigh in.

Each devotion starts with a familiar verse. Then, as the title promises, it is as if Jesus were to sit face to face with your teen to explain each verse and how to walk it out.

These ‘conversations’ are short and to the point.

At the end of each devotional thought, the text says, “What now?” “Pray”

A prayer point follows.

I enjoyed the repetitive question posed, what do I do with this great information about Jesus and his Word, well pray of course! How often do we need that reminder? I know I do.

The prayer points were always on target and short. Perfect bite sizes for youth, with great substance. Like a meal packed with protein.

What I didn’t like about it?

Nothing fell short in this devotional. Lisa Cheater covered, well, 365 topics that are relevant to teens.

Who would want it?

This mom of teens! LOL Okay, seriously, ages 12-18 would definitely gain wisdom from the readings. It is for both boys and girls.

Who would not want it?

Adults, although, there was a lot for me to chew on with each day’s weighty truth about God. But it is written to the teens in our lives.

Did it bear fruit?

Yes, it truly stopped me in my tracks several times, with points to savor. This would be a great addition to any student’s backpack this school year!

I am off to purchase the physical copy to read through with my girls!

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds!

Michele Marie Weisman

Photo by Robert Anasch on Unsplash

Devotional Review with a hint for Father’s Day.

Check out this interview review today! With Father’s Day coming up on June 19th, I thought it would be fun to have my husband read and review a devotional for men.

So this is my interview of his feedback and perspective.

In the style of my points to ponder for a review, the verbiage is in his voice. I love his creative way with words. It is not a word-for-word interview, but if you have been reading my monthly reviews, hopefully, his voice pops through.

Enjoy! And perhaps this devotional suggestion will help you with Father’s Day shopping for that special someone.

Devotional Title

Everyday Grace for Men

Tag Line

60 Devotions


This is a long one. : )

Copyright 2018 by Ellie Claire

Published by Ellie Claire, an imprint of Worthy Publishing Group, a division of Worthy Media, Inc.

(Whew! I warned you. LOL)


There are six! I love the collaboration modeled in this book.

And they are George Bowers, Larry Dugger, Todd Gerelds, Carlton Hughes, David McCracken, and Dean T. Skoglund.

How I found this book and why I selected it.

My wife chose Everyday Grace for Men for me to review.

What did I love about it?

I really like the cover. The cover makes the devotional feel larger than it actually is. The cover art is attractive with its majestic scene.

I loved the format. Each devotion has a personal story, a verse, and a quote by a known or not-so-known person.

I also liked that there was not a specific timeline to it. It is not a read-by date or completion of one overarching topic to read each day. I was able to play Devotional Bingo (my husband’s term), and pick any day at random to read. I enjoyed that.

What I didn’t like about it?

I didn’t like the title, but after going through the book, it is the perfect title. As a man, I wasn’t looking for grace, rather wisdom. But this book gave wisdom that produced grace. So that is what you find on the pages.

Also, I had to adjust to reading Everyday Grace for Men. I was used to devotions that were a specific time frame or season of life. It was not a negative but a modification that lead to discovering how fun Devotional Bingo was.

Who would want it?

I think anyone from their 20s to their 60s would gain wisdom and grace from reading it. But it is for a seasoned believer and a nice change of pace if you are used to structured devotionals.

Who would not want it?

My wife tells me the easy answer to this is women. Also, a new Christian might want to hold off on this one for now.

Did it bear fruit?

I enjoyed it. It was well written, and I enjoyed the random writing on each page. You can use Everyday Grace for Men to go back to again and again. It is not a one-and-done but comfort to return to over a lifetime.

Us, celebrating our wedding anniversary 2022. Work calls happen. LOL

My (Michele) two cents:

I hope y’all enjoyed reading my husband’s review of Everyday Grace for Men. I sure had fun preparing him with the questions. I think it is safe to say this was out of his comfort zone, and I am so very thankful that he took the leap to provide you with a gift idea for those special dads or dad figures in your life.

And, a special note about this book. Our week got away from us, leaving us to complete most of my interview with him this morning. While we drank coffee, of course. He dug the devotional out of his work bag so I could get the Copywrite info and other things.

Guess what?

He left the copy on the dining room table. I texted to tell him. He was like, Oh, no! He was honestly disappointed. He truly turns to Everyday Grace for Men on a regular basis. I am so pleased!

Until next week, keep walking on mustard seeds!

Michele Marie Weisman

Devotional Review

Devotional Title

Resting in His Shadow

Tag Line

Devotions to Close the Day


Copywrite 2020 by Smith-Freeman Publishing


Chriswell Freeman

How I found this book and why I selected it.

I was online at Christianbooks.com searching for a reading book one of my girls requested. This devotional, Resting in His Shadow, popped up on my screen. It was different from others I have been reading to review.

What did I love about it?

I loved the idea of meditating on God’s word at night. Chriswell Freeman delivers the promise of the title while drawing an end to the day.

I spend my time in devotionals and the Bible in the early morning before my family wakes up. That is my treasured quiet time with the Lord.

When do you have your quiet time with God? Please share in the comments.

Freeman has 100 days of devotions packed into a small paperback book.

Each devotion draws upon known biblical truths tied to familiar Bible verses. Freeman makes logical connections giving something solid to chew on.  His writings are not complicated or simplistic.

I have enjoyed reading, Resting in His Shadow.

What I didn’t like about it?

A few days out of the 100, no Bible verse was used. These were topic-based devotions. For example, hope, fulfillment, and perseverance.

It broke from the pattern of Bible verse, reflective thought, and ending with a prayer.

I don’t know that I would say I didn’t like that shift, but it broke the flow for me. And, I felt I should let you, my reader know.

Who would want it?

I think this devotional might be marketed toward men. But I did enjoy what Freeman wrote and the points he brought up.

Who would not want it?

Honestly, I think this is a good devotional for the masses.

Did it bear fruit?

Yes. This devotional inspired me to place a Bible on my nightstand. And there it lays, open, to a verse I am reflecting upon each night as I slip into bed.

I think his point of the devotional is to encourage evening time in the Scriptures, and it did that.

Until next week, keep walking on mustard seeds!

Michele Marie Weisman

Image by JULIO VICENTE from Pixabay 

Happy Easter & A Devotional Review

First, allow me to wish you a Happy Easter. This week we are remembering the most significant mathematical problem ever to face mankind. Before Jesus died for our sins and rose from the grave, we had a mathematical deficit.

One sin might as well have been 100,000. There was nothing we could do to undo the separation from God we would face.

God is perfect and holy and we are not. But God, in love, gave Jesus to be the great multiplier of good news. You see, if we take all of our sins, say 100,000, multiplied by Jesus, it comes out to zero. Zero sins are held against us!

He zeroed out our accounts. If you have faith to trust Jesus is alive and died for you, take your account of sins and multiply them by zero. It is finished.

Devotional Title

Writing Courage on My Heart

Tag Line

A 6 – Week Bible Memory Devotional


Barbour Books 2020


Jean Fischer

How I found this book and why I selected it.

I found this book at Barns & Noble. I have difficulty memorizing anything, so I liked the promise this bite-sized devotional made.

What did I love about it?

(Apparently, I am drawn toward devotionals for women. My apologies to my male readers. I have ordered a new devotional for next month that I hope is for all readers.)

The cover for, Writing Courage on My Heart, was beautiful with flowers and scrolling work. The pages have a replica of the art. Super pretty to glance at as I read.

I enjoyed the verse selections and how each week was devoted to one verse to memorize. And of course, the verses were about courage.

Each week gave ways to walk out the verse, strengthen your courage and live it. Exercises to ponder and apply.

Throughout the weeks, Jean Fischer gave many tips for memorizing. I was amazed at how many there were and grateful for new perspectives on how to get the job done.

There are lovely tear-out cards in the back of the devotional with each of the six verses. I left them intact but can see how this would also be helpful to have the verse at hand all day.

I found this work to be inspiring and bolstered my courage.

What I didn’t like about it?

I thought this book would be great for Highschool graduation on up but then realized there were a few reflections on parenting from a mother’s perspective. So, from that point, this is not for most teens or young adults.

The devotional reinforced some tried and true beliefs that are commonly heard in churches. This is neither good nor negative, just common knowledge. Such as beauty is really on the inside and not the outside.

Who would want it?

Moms, young and mature.

Who would not want it?


Did it bear fruit?

In complete honesty, I did not apply myself to the memorizing part. Call me scattered and perhaps that is the crucks of my difficulty with it. I do see the benefit of hanging out with one verse all week. It can be sewn into the DNA level of our spiritual being.

Thus, the title bears truth, it did implant courage in my heart.


If you live in the contiguous United States would you like to win this copy of, Writing Courage on My Heart by Jean Fischer? Then keep reading!

If you share with someone about my website on social media, or share it the old-fashioned way, through conversation, it will enter you the chance to win this copy. You MUST comment on this post or email me to let you know you have indeed shared about my website, walkingonmustardseeds.com to be entered.

If you are blessed by my blog, I am trusting you would want to tell someone else about it!

Until next week, keep walking on mustard seeds!

Michele Marie Weisman

What can grow your faith?

Photo by Michele Marie Weisman

Devotional Title

A Mustard Seed FAITH

Tag Line

Devotions and Prayers for Women


2021 by Barbour Publishing, Inc.


Carey Scott

How I found this book and why I selected it:

While scanning the devotional section at my local Barnes & Noble, A Mustard Seed FAITH jumped out to me. How could I pass this one up with a website named, Walking on Mustard Seeds?

Not to judge a book by its cover…although I did…the cover art is beautiful. There is a yellow/gold shine to the word FAITH and this adds to its charm. The stiff yet flexible and slightly textured cover feels great in my hands.

What did I love about it?

I am going to break this down into three parts:

Each of the 180 devotions starts with a bible verse, a paragraph or two of reflective thought, and wraps up with a prayer.

Bible quotations were, for the most part, from not as commonly referenced versions. This let me sink a little deeper into a fuller experience of each verse.

For your curiosity, the bible versions cited were: ‘The Passion Translation’, ‘THE MESSAGE’, ‘Amplified Bible, Classic Edition’, ‘The Voice’, ‘Common English Bible’, ‘Holy Bible, New International Version’. (NIV).

Carey Scott’s thoughtful reflections on the scriptures ministered page by page. Her words were like a close, caring friend saying, “ put down your frenzied to-do list long enough to see God’s view is higher and better than the hardest work done with the best intentions.

The ending prayers tied it all up like a bow.

The devotions were the perfect, bite-sized morsel of faith I needed. Of course, some filled me up more than others, but the others did not leave me wanting.

A Mustard Seed FAITH grew my faith!

What I didn’t like about it?

It is for women only. But unlike last month, this devo was very clear it was written and intended for women. So guys…if you are still here…Mother’s Day is coming up! Think of this review as a great gift idea for that special mom in your life. And you’re welcome! 😉

PS Gentlemen, in a couple of months, my husband is going to review a devotional for men only. Your turn is coming. 😊

Who would want it?

This is great for anyone who needs encouragement with faith.

So many of my girlfriends popped to mind while I read this devotional, because of the personal way Carey Scott writes the daily messages. Page by page it was like a word spoken in the right season, and that definitely made me think of my friendships and how we encourage one another.

Who would not want it?

Ahhh, men. But that was obvious. 😊

Did it bear fruit?

Yes, this grew my faith day by day.

This is a feast for today and possibly years to come.


Would you like to win this copy of A Mustard Seed FAITH? If you live in the contiguous United States, keep reading.

Tell a friend about www.WalkingOnMustardSeeds.com ! (By March 31st, 2022)

It is that easy.

You can share my page on your social media or share it in a conversation with a friend. I believe in the honor system.  This will enter you for the chance to have mailed to you A Mustard Seed FAITH.

PLEASE comment on this post or email me to say, “I have shared about www.WalkingOnMustardSeeds.com with a friend!”

Until next week, keep walking on mustard seeds!

Michele Marie Weisman