Food Insecurity, have you had it?

Let’s do something old-fashioned.

A pink backround with a plate with a sad face drawn on it.
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

Welcome to November’s first blog post. This is when we gather, praying for a need in your City. We prayed for twelve months, and this year, we are talking about action. What action can we take to walk out a prayer need in your City?

Last month I shared about the action of finding out what your local first responder’s needs are. You can find that post here.

This month, we are looking at your local citizens who live with Food Insecurity. This was not a phrase I was familiar with, but apparently, it has been around since the 1990s. According to the USDA:

Food insecurity is the limited or uncertain availability of nutritionally adequate and safe foods, or limited or uncertain ability to acquire acceptable foods in socially acceptable ways.

USDA ERS – Measurement

(Definitions are from the Life Sciences Research Office, S.A. Andersen, ed., “Core Indicators of Nutritional State for Difficult to Sample Populations,” The Journal of Nutrition 120:1557S-1600S, 1990.)

Have you ever been without enough food for yourself or your family?

Food insecurity is not as uncommon as we may think. According to online research,

10.2 percent (13.5 million) of U.S. households were food insecure at some time during 2021. 

USDA ERS – Interactive Charts and Highlights

There are ways to help in your local city. We can donate food, time, or money to organizations that feed families living with food insecurity.

plates of food.

Thanksgiving is a time we love to gather around the table with traditional dishes while enjoying the company of our loved ones. It is a precious time to recall how the people native to this land taught and helped the Pilgrims to survive.

We can help people in our City, anonymously, quietly, and most importantly, the way Christ would have us serve one another humbly.

May you be blessed to be a blessing to someone’s dinner table this month.

Do you and your family have a tradition of helping others in the month of November?

someone lifting heavy objects into a car.
Photo by Ismael Paramo on Unsplash

My family discovered a local food bank that delivers groceries to people’s cars, it is a massive drive-through system. I can’t get over how small it made me feel to serve there. Grocery store donations, financial contributions, many volunteers who show up to help get all the food to the trunks, and many hands I don’t even know about make this weekly event possible.

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

PS. Can I ask a favor?

someone handing a black cutout heart to someone else.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

We can do something old-fashioned. Will you tell one friend about my blog? My goal is to gather interest in my devotional devoted to praying for your City. It means a lot to me that we, as Christians, pray for the people living around us.

As I work on my devotional, I will keep you updated on its progress.

If you don’t want to share about it, that is okay. You are always welcome here. 🙂

3 thoughts on “Food Insecurity, have you had it?”

  1. I like that you brought this up. Food insecurity is a big thing! I am involved with the local United Way and a lot of the community partner organizations see first hand the challenges with food insecurity!

    1. Hi Naomi. It sounds like you have some great insight for ministering to those with food insecurities. What would you say are some challenges? And thanks so much for stopping by!

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