Devotional Review of Psalm 91

You have got to read this book!

Devotional Title

Psalm 91 Frontliner and First Responder Edition*

Tag Line

God’s Shield of Protection as You Protect Others


2021 by Peggy Joyce Ruth

Parts of this book were previously published by Charisma House as Psalm 91, 2010


Two authors are noted on the cover in this order:

Peggy Joyce Ruth

Angelia Rush Schum

How I found this book and why I selected it.

I found Psalm 91 Frontliner and First Responder Edition when looking through devotionals at my local Barnes and Noble. I thought I was picking up a devotional, and later that day at home realized it is a 21-chapter teaching on Psalm 91.

I loved the cover; it spoke a promise of ministering to first responders, and wanted to share it with you, my reader.

What I found in it

Peggy Joyce Ruth, according to the Forward and Introduction, had written a well-received book about Psalm 91. She was encouraged to write another book about Psalm 91 that was focused on first responders. And thus, this book was birthed.

Ruth and Angelina Ruth Schum do a great job of explaining every verse in this tightly packed, 125-page book. Each verse’s explanation is backed up with two to three stories of miracles due to the Psalm being prayed over specific people at specific times.

Each chapter pulls examples from battlefield miracles, while some also cite personal experiences. However, not every chapter has a personal story. All 21 sites a wartime move of God’s protection.

It was exciting and challenging to read this book. You will benefit, as I did, reading miracle after miracle. The challenge is to look straight at God’s word and realize either you believe the amazing promises in Psalm 91 or you don’t. And if you believe them, then pray them out.

Who would want it?

You have got to read this book! I found it interesting, even for historical reasons. It was fascinating reading about a famous actor and his personal devotion in wartime and out to Psalm 91. But you have to read it to find out! 🙂

This book says for frontline and first responders. I have to note that there is not a single example of police, fire, or EMT stories. Going strictly off of what the book provides, it fits anyone currently in the military and their family members, as there are examples of the family having prayed Psalm 91 for the person serving.

Who would you gift this to? Share in the comments.

I am going to gift the copy that I read of Psalm 91 Frontliner and First Responder Edition* to our local Black Rifle Coffee. They support veterans, first responders, and law enforcement, and they have a small book area for visitors. Does your coffee shop have books available to read while sipping coffee? *As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Signature line, Keep Walking on Mustard Seeds, Michele