How You Win the Battle

You are a well-designed vessel for this one life, but to get the best out of this life, you must operate by using His user manual. Yes, this is a talk about Scripture, our source for knowing how to think about ourselves, the people around us, and the world.

Y’all, life has never felt more stressful. I am living my fifth decade, so I can say without a doubt, that politics and the state of the world have never been discussed more at the dinner table and in the canned food aisle. Seriously, complete strangers and I gasp together at prices that seem to rise daily, with the sun.

If you’re like me, you catch yourself griping about the costs. Add the doom and gloom on every news report guaranteeing the worst is about to happen.

And then I groan at myself!


Because God’s word tells me not to worry or complain.

Stay with me, because I am going to flip this entire story.

You are not created to function well under constant negative thoughts and news. It produces toxic reactions in your body, making all other facets of your life miserable. 

You are a well-designed vessel for this one life, but to get the best out of this life, you must operate by using His user manual. It is the instruction book for living and thinking right.

Yes, this is a talk about Scripture, our source for knowing how to think about ourselves, the people around us, and the world.

Is this the shift you were expecting? I hope so. You see, God rights E V E R Y T H I N G. His master plan always corrects our course–if we look to His word for instructions we see ourselves aligning with Him.

Think of David who was summoned to fight Goliath. He did not shrink at the news of this massive war-hungry man. No! David stood in his full stature, knowing who God is and what his own skill set brought to the battle.

Psalm 146:5, in the AMPC version, says, “Happy (blessed, fortunate, enviable) is he who has the God of [special revelation to] Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the Lord his God.”

Now, if you have ever studied a foreign language, you know there are difficulties in finding the exact word to fully grasp a foreign word. I remember literature professors lamenting about this for poetry translated into English. This is why several words are used in the AMPC version for one word. They are laying out several options that fit the original language used in Scripture because we do not have one word that encompasses the vast meaning of the original word. The introduction to the AMPC explains this in fuller detail.

Let’s get back to the scripture.

God’s word is declaring, (picture a bugle call): you are “happy, blessed, fortunate, and enviable”. Life does not get much better than that! Repeat out loud, “I am happy, blessed, fortunate, and enviable”. I would repeat that at least five times. Can’t you feel your brain relaxing and rejoicing at this news?! 

And why do you embody these gifts from God? The verse says it is because you have God, who has special revelation, help, and hope, for Y O U ! I want God in my corner, ready to help and show me hope that my circumstances don’t reveal yet.

We’ll save the revelation part for another time, but don’t miss out on context. 

The help, hope, and revelation He gives to you is what? Special. God’s personal relationship with you is special. Do you know the opposite of special is ordinary? Your relationship with God is anything BUT ordinary!

Do you need revelation for today? Do you need help today? What are you hoping for or lost hope in?

Stand on the truth that you are happy, blessed, and enviable. Lift your eyes to the Lord, seeking His revelation, help, and hope. Know, as young David did, He is in this moment with you. And, you are equipped with your experience and training to face this day.

More of the Same, but …

The news will continue in its attempt to bury your hope and happiness. You have a ready weapon for this battle and this is why you are enviable.

The devil came to destroy, but – News Alert! (Do you hear the ticker tape too?)

Jesus won the war! In Him, you are winning too.

Thank you, Lord!

Your Turn

How do you see yourself as equipped and experienced? Please share in the comments.

Signature line, Keep Walking on Mustard Seeds, Michele

COPYRIGHT © Michele Marie Weisman 2024 All Rights Reserved

Photo by Hassan Pasha on Unsplash

“Scripture quotations taken from the Amplified® Bible (AMPC),

Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation
Used by permission.

Three Keys to Peace

God gave me one prayer … simple, basic, and profound.

“Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead, expose them.” (Ephesians 5:11, NLT)

Over-exposure ruins a photo as does overdevelopment. I took photography my senior year of high school when developing film was taught in the class. There was a simple wooden, four-walled structure to step inside to develop the film I shot for class assignments. I learned quickly, that this was not a gifting I had, leaving my images overdeveloped. I soaked them too long in the developer and the photos I took would never be revealed as darkness plagued the photo paper. You see, if you overdevelop, the crispness and clarity become blurred and darkened.

Like God calling me to pray over the City my family once lived in, I came up wordless due to the daily tragedies from crime that were reported. Inviting others to pray with me, cleared the picture of what to pray about and how to communicate the prayer.

Fast forward to modern America and the view became blurry again as confusion hit the streets, anger bursting forth in public gatherings and dinner tables. Again, I had blurred vision for prayer.

God gave me one prayer this time and I have prayed it ever since. It is simple, basic, and profound.

Pray for the truth to come out.

No clarifiers. No favorites. No affiliations. Across the board and across the nation, let the truth come to light.

You are to walk free from blurred confusion, it is time to come out of the developer and walk on what truth brings:

Peace within – Alignment with God’s ways always strengthens peace in the inner man.

Peace without – Truth brings sure-footedness in our interactions with others.

Peace Shared – When you practice this prayer at every angle, every affront, every thought, you can encourage others to pray in that same manner. Just as I hope I have encouraged you.

Will you pray with me?

God, I pray that truth be exposed in my City and Nation. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Your turn:

What area of your life or community will you pray for the truth to be exposed?


Sign up on my site, to receive the latest news on my Spring 2024 Book Release. A devotional designed to pray for your City.

Keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable. Romans 11:29

Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Are You Guaranteed a Reward for Praying For Your City? And Updates!

Do you want to see change locally–pray with me over your City, and see God change some things.

And–you never know when your City has a wonderful surprise for you, like my attending our local 4th of July parade in Belton, Texas.

Today’s blog post falls in line with the spirit of my devotional designed to pray for your City. I am grateful for any prayers for the writing process. Thank you!

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way…” (3 John, 1:2a AMPC)

When your grocery cart emptied of its items and bagged, does your jaw drop at the total on the register?

And your gas tank is taking a whole lot more money to fill up. Are you taking fewer trips out because of the higher cost of gas?

There is scripture instructing us to not be shocked by things we see or hear. How are you doing with non-shock? I have told myself to stop gasping out loud, but I still hear an inner groan.

The news does not help the concern as they report that Americans have less in their savings and are using their credit cards more.

Financial stress on a family can create a feeling of isolation and worry, which leads to tension.

Do your neighbors feel isolated by their financial worries too? I bet some of them do.

There is a story in the bible, of a man who reestablished his outcome by praying for others, specifically his friends.

Mini Bible Story

Job was a man who loved and lived for God and lost everything, except for his wife and a few friends. His money, children, and livestock–gone–and he developed a terrible skin condition that tortured him.

This all came into Job’s life as a gift from the devil. Satan thought he could get Job to reject God, but his plan did not work. In fact, it backfired!

God restored him, and people find that fascinating, actually giving him back more than he originally had.

But, this is NOT the best part of the story.

Main Point

God did end up giving Job a ‘God size’ lecture. God had some correcting to do in Job’s heart. But at the end of the lecture, God gave Job one task to do.

Job, was instructed to pray for his friends, the ones who rushed to his side to comfort him in his great loss. Their attempt to help Job was overshadowed by misrepresenting God’s view and care for Job in this painful time. Theirs was such an error in judgment that God required sacrifices from them.

Ouch! Can you see their pride burning up in their chests?

Job was restored times two after he prayed for them.

Bottom Line

Prayer is not a frivolous, last-ditch effort. Nore is it a groundless proposal for a serious situation.

We honor God when we pray, turning to Him to solve what only He can. Praying for someone in your City, at the next gas pump, or behind you in line at Walmart, that their finances be blessed and their burden lightened, honors God.

That is it — P R A Y for them. It is a simple act of obedience void of pride.

What About You?

God has answers to prayers for you too, but first, what prayers does your neighbor need? If you don’t pray for them, what will the loss be for your community?

I am not saying or implying that you, or they, will receive Job’s fortune after you pray. How God blesses you is up to Him. He always deposits peace, joy, love, or grace, with prayer.

Is that enough–or better yet–isn’t that what is really needed to combat daily stressors?

Who in your City is coming to mind that you can pray for?

Father, You do want to provide a way for each person in my City to prosper. As prices rise, I am focused on my own struggle, but people all around me have similar concerns. Bless everyone that I pass on the road or in the store. Bless their day with financial wisdom and sound sleep tonight. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Some News

Forth of July float with black sign that says in white writing, Prayer changes things while riders wore black t-shirts, writing in white, Can I pray for you?
New friends, from Cornerstone Christian Fellowship, Temple, TX.

Does this float photo say everything that needs to be said about prayer? I have seen this group on the weekends at different events with a booth set up ready to pray for anyone who asks. They were a beautiful sight as Greg and I were in line at our local 4th of July parade. By the way, the large flag says, “Jesus is King”. A needed reminder.

Greg and author Michele, wearing cowboy hats and red, white, and blue, on the float.
Greg and I at Belton’s 4th of July parade.

You’re a Beautiful Messterpiece, by Deana Farrell

Have you ever been over the moon about a book?

There are few titles that make me feel like it was written by a friend who wants me to succeed at by biggest dream. Deana Farrell brings a unique voice to the conversation of getting your “God-given dreams” in motion. Perfection is NOT the goal. This VAL (me)–you have to read at least the back cover copy to find out what a VAL is, is starting to see that my ‘mess’ is part of the story and not to be shunned. Check out Deana Farrell here to find out about her new book!

Invited Guest

I was honored to be asked by a fellow writer and ministry-minded friend to start writing a monthly prayer for her ministry’s newsletter.

Naomi Fata resides in New York and is the author of, Beyond Head Knowledge: Knowing Christ Who Satisfies Our Hearts. She also writes God’s Corner for her local newspaper.

To read more about her ministry and sign up for her encouraging ministry email, go to Christian Resource Ministry.

Keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

PS Walking on Mustard Seeds can be sent directly to your inbox!

AMPC link is to

Photos were by Greg and Michele Weisman

God Upholds Us

Glad to see you back again. Grab your bible and open to Nehemiah 9:7-8.

Image by congerdesign from Pixabay

“You have kept your promise because you are righteous.” (‭‭Nehemiah‬ ‭9:8‬b, NIV‬‬)

Entering college after high school, I am embarrassed to say it took me twice as long to earn my degree as it should have. Many times I felt lost on my college path. With an undiagnosed learning disability and my desire to finish, eventually I earned my degree. Completing the requirements for my major, the college upheld their promise of a degree upon completion of units and courses.

God’s promise to Abraham, found in Genesis chapter seventeen, is contingent upon God wanting Abraham to choose God’s ways, always. For Abraham’s heart to be devoted to him.

Abraham was walking toward something greater than a degree. He was walking toward his legacy. Did Abraham make some questionable decisions along the way? Yes. But he moved forward in faith because of God’s promise.

He promises to never leave us. To watch over us. To go before us. To light our path. To be at our back. To love us forever and ever.

Because he is faithful and righteous.


During this uncertain time of sheltering at home and some areas opening up, we can gather hope from you. You are with us right now. You offer peace and joy to our souls. Nothing stops your love for us. You care deeply for our hearts that are full of worry. Thank you for being a loving Father who seeks to comfort us. Let us seek your comfort today.

How is God comforting you during this pandemic? Please share in the comment section.

Scripture quotations marked (NIV) are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.®