What To Put First

Our days and months are filled with to-do lists and supply lists, so important events and the day-to-day activities run smoothly. Summer vacations, grocery shopping, the start of school, birthdays, and the holidays. There are lists for every season and month.

No matter how similar or different our lists are, there is one item that should be on everyone’s list.

My hubby and I planned a day trip to a local lake with our daughters. Simple. One afternoon of fun. Our supply list contained what the adventure required.

At the edge of the rocky shore, in Central Texas, we stood. I was bitter and confused. The water was calm and the day was warm. These were perfect conditions for our outing. I kept reviewing in my mind why we dragged the girls out of the house.

What was our goal for the day? A fun trip to the local lake, resulting in family bonding or at least a good memory. I hoped. And to learn how to use our new-to-us kayaks.

What was on my supply list? Kayaks, life vests, water shoes, inner tubes, and bottled water.

I am happy to report, we did accomplish the goal. Eventually.

Our girls knew in advance about this outing. My husband and I knew about the trip.

Everybody knew the plan.

We each got into the truck packed with our supplies. Mostly. A quick trip back to the house for a thing or two. Evidently, the list was not perfect. 

We made it back down to the lake. The water was still calm other than occasional wakes from boats.

The hope of a fun family outing was dwindling. 

Our girls have grown accustomed to not being around people in public places. (Mandates, closures…) Peeling our kids out of their rooms for an outdoor adventure left one unnamed participant grumpy. Grumbling may have occurred by this child and one adult. Yes, I succumbed to grumbling back at the grumbling teen. 

Add to that, my judgemental antenna was in full force. It screamed danger, danger,  as I witnessed boat rules and politeness disregarded. Stress was drowning the adventure. 

I struggled to guide my craft in a straight line. My teen was patient with my learning curve as she maneuvered her craft in a much straighter line. We soon discovered quiet surroundings. Jumping fish and the hush of nature created a moment for easy conversation.

Eventually, our Weisman clan exited the water. Standing on that same rocky shore content with our adventure. Everything had gone okay. And for a moment, our life’s concerns settled below the water and our family’s bond surfaced.

There was something I should have put on that supply list. More about that later.

Recently, I was at Walmart, waiting in the checkout line.  I had everything on my shopping list gathered in my shopping cart. A lady in front of me stole my focus. As she busily looked at all the items that line a typical check stand, I could not take my eyes off her cart. She had a basket full of yarn. Lots of yarn. Skeins stacked upon skeins, in a variety of colors. Naturally introverted, I was surprised that my curiosity pushed me to ask her what all the yarn was for. So I gathered some courage and asked if she knits or crochets.

She did not answer. Nothing at all. Did I speak too quietly? Spotting the white buds in her ears, I realized she was wearing earbuds. To my surprise, I thought, I will ask her again. After all, she had not rejected me, yet. She turned my direction one more time, I said more clearly, “With all that yarn, I was wondering if you knit or crochet?” 

“Oh, no, this is not for me. I got all this for my mom’s birthday.” She explained the yarn would help give her mother something to do. I told her that was a thoughtful idea. We continued to chat. About as much as you can in a check-out line. We were deep into our conversation when she asked me a very important question. 

“Can I hug you?”

A stranger. 

A hug. 


I sensed the risk she had taken. In front of me was a beautiful and visibly vulnerable human being.

If you know me, you know I hugged her. I hope it communicated, ‘I see you and I care.’

Her raw emotions humbled me.

I left stunned at what God added to my grocery list.

Again, I left something off my list. Let’s get to that item now.

Will you walk with me into the pages of the Bible? 

God needed Jesus to complete a very important task. Jesus was to save mankind from themselves. People kept breaking God’s laws. And God saw they always would.

God planned to give them a savior, Jesus. One would carry the entire world’s sin upon himself. For those who believe and receive Christ, a desire is created, to become more and more like him. [Romans chapter 8]

God’s supply list consisted of one item, Jesus. 

Nothing needs to be added or removed from this plan. It is perfect and unending.

Our to-do lists for shopping trips or road trips are not as encompassing as God’s goal. But they are important. 

I need to write the name Jesus at the top of my supply and to-do lists. Literally, list Jesus’ name with a check box next to it. 

I need that reminder, as stress or worry builds about getting everything done, that Jesus is with me. Now. This very moment. Perhaps, while on an errand, there is someone he wants me to meet and interact with. Or, to leave room for him on our family outings, so he can quiet the grumbling spirit in me. 

Our lists are valuable, but only Jesus can provide a peace-filled perspective of them.

I have an adventure planned that I hope lasts for years to come. This blog is going through some changes, good ones. Next week I will announce a series I am writing. It is something that has been in the works for a long time. I can’t wait to share it with you.

Mark your calendar for new posts every Thursday.

Will you share in the comments about an adventure you are planning? How is your supply list going?

4 thoughts on “What To Put First”

  1. If I don’t write a shopping list I’ll forget something. Sometimes, I skim over the list then forget an item anyway. These days, I don’t plan adventures. I hope we get to go with you on yours.

    1. Oh, Dianne. Your comment hits home. I forget items on my list regularly. I hope you are easy on yourself when you do. I confess to being a little stern with myself when I forget something. 😅 How bout you?

  2. So amazing Michele! I have been guilty of all the same things and leaving Jesus off my list. He used to be the priority and then I gave him a. Back seat. I need Jesus at the wheel again. Thank you for your words of wisdom. Thank you for being a vessel of God.

    1. Michelle, what a blessing to me your note is. With responsibilities never easing up it is easy to feel the tug of responsibility over the tug of Jesus. You are doing amazing things!

I would love to hear from you! Say unto others as you would have them say unto you.