Who Lights Your City?

gold lines on a black surface.

This being the first week of the month, I take this time to share the ideas behind the devotional I am writing.


I have turned a corner in my book and see a finish-line approaching … of writing the book, not publishing it. Yet. Writing is a long process.

On with the blog…

God began pestering me about nine years ago to pray for the City my family lived in. The daily headlines were disturbing because crime and violence were on the rise.

Eating at me were the negative comments end of the news feeds. I am sure you have seen them, too, people tearing down their fellow citizens being reported about. These rebuffs of the news articles held no help.

God continued to tell me to pray over that City as I felt helpless in my prayers and over the negative tumbling of words on the news feeds.

Sticks and stones

Words do hurt. Do you remember the old saying … “your words will never hurt me.” This is contrary to the word of God. There is a verse about the tongue – or in this case, the pen, bringing much damage to others. And another comparing our words to honey. Compassion, love, and truth are what we are called to speak and, thus, to write.

The comments on social media and online news pages were stirring more harm. It was not a balm to anyone’s wound.

An invitation

Inviting others to pray with me over that City, Two or Three was birthed, and we prayed weekly for six years.

Until my family moved out of state, bringing us miles and miles away from that City. As I continued to write the devotional, I wanted to do more in our new City. I needed to dig deeper into God’s word to live as God asks us to live in our Communities.

The New

An orange brick wall with large text in all caps that reads "NEW".

What would that new and more be? City Council Meetings.

Scripture asks us to be involved where we live, and this seemed like a great way to do more.

Full disclosure, my husband and I do not attend each meeting. Our schedule does not allow for that. But our City Council Meetings are recorded on YouTube. This way, I am able to watch it when my schedule allows. In all honesty, it is a better experience to attend in person.

If you do attend in person, there is time before and after the meeting to meet Council members and your neighbors who are attending. It is a golden opportunity to meet your neighbors.


There were a few things I wanted to accomplish in attending my first meetings.

1. To see how the meetings are run. It was quite orderly and civil. They open with prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag, and the Pledge to the Texas flag. My husband and I had no previous knowledge there was a Texas flag pledge, but we thought it was pretty cool.

2. I wanted to get an understanding of what issues were for neighbors. Boy, oh boy, people have strong opinions. From license plate readers, Airbnb’s, and I have even heard people voice strongly against the deer. (We love the deer, and thank God they are protected by the state of Texas.) Although I may not hold the same opinions as my fellow citizens, I can see why these are actually complicated issues. Except for the deer. God bless the deer. 😊

3. Who attends the meetings? It is a small number of people who attend, and I find them to be very interesting, thought-provoking citizens.

My husband and I have lived in this community for over two years. During that time, we have had the opportunity to vote for new City Council members and even the Mayor. It is an awesome process, and I hope would be in agreement that we care about our community.

Your Turn

a group of people with bibles.

Do you attend your local City Council Meetings? Have you ever served on your City Council?


Will you pray for those who serve on your City Council?

Prayer Pro Tip

Pop onto your City website and learn a few of the City Council members’ names.

God, help us not to hide our light under the roof of our houses. May we exit our doors to gather, in peace, with those making decisions about where we live. Amen

Publishing News

An old-fashioned typewriter with a white background.

THIS MONTH, Inspire Christian Writers will be publishing their newest Anthology, Inspire Courage. Appearing in it is a short fiction I wrote about a little girl who wants to help her family and, to do so, has to face her biggest fear.

The gathering of several authors’ works in Inspire Courage promises to be a great read over the holidays.

I will provide a link on my blog once the book has been published.

Are you a writer too – or thinking of writing? Inspire Christian Writers is an informative and award-winning website for you to investigate.

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash  (new)

Photo by Rene Böhmer on Unsplash  (City lights)

Photo by Nina Strehl on Unsplash(Love your neighbour)

Photo by Florian Klauer on Unsplash (typewriter)

Photo by Brandi Redd on Unsplash (unwritten letters)

Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash (group)

4 thoughts on “Who Lights Your City?”

  1. Congrats on the book’s progress and the publication of your short story! And thank you for the reminder to not only pray for our cities but to also try and get involved.

I would love to hear from you! Say unto others as you would have them say unto you.