Are You Guaranteed a Reward for Praying For Your City? And Updates!

Do you want to see change locally–pray with me over your City, and see God change some things.

And–you never know when your City has a wonderful surprise for you, like my attending our local 4th of July parade in Belton, Texas.

Today’s blog post falls in line with the spirit of my devotional designed to pray for your City. I am grateful for any prayers for the writing process. Thank you!

“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way…” (3 John, 1:2a AMPC)

When your grocery cart emptied of its items and bagged, does your jaw drop at the total on the register?

And your gas tank is taking a whole lot more money to fill up. Are you taking fewer trips out because of the higher cost of gas?

There is scripture instructing us to not be shocked by things we see or hear. How are you doing with non-shock? I have told myself to stop gasping out loud, but I still hear an inner groan.

The news does not help the concern as they report that Americans have less in their savings and are using their credit cards more.

Financial stress on a family can create a feeling of isolation and worry, which leads to tension.

Do your neighbors feel isolated by their financial worries too? I bet some of them do.

There is a story in the bible, of a man who reestablished his outcome by praying for others, specifically his friends.

Mini Bible Story

Job was a man who loved and lived for God and lost everything, except for his wife and a few friends. His money, children, and livestock–gone–and he developed a terrible skin condition that tortured him.

This all came into Job’s life as a gift from the devil. Satan thought he could get Job to reject God, but his plan did not work. In fact, it backfired!

God restored him, and people find that fascinating, actually giving him back more than he originally had.

But, this is NOT the best part of the story.

Main Point

God did end up giving Job a ‘God size’ lecture. God had some correcting to do in Job’s heart. But at the end of the lecture, God gave Job one task to do.

Job, was instructed to pray for his friends, the ones who rushed to his side to comfort him in his great loss. Their attempt to help Job was overshadowed by misrepresenting God’s view and care for Job in this painful time. Theirs was such an error in judgment that God required sacrifices from them.

Ouch! Can you see their pride burning up in their chests?

Job was restored times two after he prayed for them.

Bottom Line

Prayer is not a frivolous, last-ditch effort. Nore is it a groundless proposal for a serious situation.

We honor God when we pray, turning to Him to solve what only He can. Praying for someone in your City, at the next gas pump, or behind you in line at Walmart, that their finances be blessed and their burden lightened, honors God.

That is it — P R A Y for them. It is a simple act of obedience void of pride.

What About You?

God has answers to prayers for you too, but first, what prayers does your neighbor need? If you don’t pray for them, what will the loss be for your community?

I am not saying or implying that you, or they, will receive Job’s fortune after you pray. How God blesses you is up to Him. He always deposits peace, joy, love, or grace, with prayer.

Is that enough–or better yet–isn’t that what is really needed to combat daily stressors?

Who in your City is coming to mind that you can pray for?

Father, You do want to provide a way for each person in my City to prosper. As prices rise, I am focused on my own struggle, but people all around me have similar concerns. Bless everyone that I pass on the road or in the store. Bless their day with financial wisdom and sound sleep tonight. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Some News

Forth of July float with black sign that says in white writing, Prayer changes things while riders wore black t-shirts, writing in white, Can I pray for you?
New friends, from Cornerstone Christian Fellowship, Temple, TX.

Does this float photo say everything that needs to be said about prayer? I have seen this group on the weekends at different events with a booth set up ready to pray for anyone who asks. They were a beautiful sight as Greg and I were in line at our local 4th of July parade. By the way, the large flag says, “Jesus is King”. A needed reminder.

Greg and author Michele, wearing cowboy hats and red, white, and blue, on the float.
Greg and I at Belton’s 4th of July parade.

You’re a Beautiful Messterpiece, by Deana Farrell

Have you ever been over the moon about a book?

There are few titles that make me feel like it was written by a friend who wants me to succeed at by biggest dream. Deana Farrell brings a unique voice to the conversation of getting your “God-given dreams” in motion. Perfection is NOT the goal. This VAL (me)–you have to read at least the back cover copy to find out what a VAL is, is starting to see that my ‘mess’ is part of the story and not to be shunned. Check out Deana Farrell here to find out about her new book!

Invited Guest

I was honored to be asked by a fellow writer and ministry-minded friend to start writing a monthly prayer for her ministry’s newsletter.

Naomi Fata resides in New York and is the author of, Beyond Head Knowledge: Knowing Christ Who Satisfies Our Hearts. She also writes God’s Corner for her local newspaper.

To read more about her ministry and sign up for her encouraging ministry email, go to Christian Resource Ministry.

Keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

PS Walking on Mustard Seeds can be sent directly to your inbox!

AMPC link is to

Photos were by Greg and Michele Weisman

How to Improve Your Relationship, Biblically

Can snuggling with a dog, showing peace is possible between them.

Pre-conversation syndrome. Do you have it?

Okay, I made up that term, google it, it won’t be there. If you have ever played out a conversation in your mind, like a boxing match, “If they say this, I will say that,” you know what I am talking about.

It wastes your time, energy, and steals your peace of mind.

Jesus taught the apostles how to respond when unfavorable situations were before them, and their lives were not under their own control.

“This will be your opportunity to bear witness. Settle it therefore in your minds not to meditate beforehand how to answer, for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict.”

Luke 21:13-15 ESV

Jesus is making a promise that their conversation’s outcome will point back to the wonderment of God.

I have sat in uncomfortable and contradictory conversations, remaining quiet, seeking the Holy Spirit’s help for my response. Sometimes no answer comes, and so I say nothing to contradict or go along with the topic at hand.

Other times, I am given a dose of wisdom to speak, from a heart of peace.

Have you tried this before? If not, what is stopping you?

This does not mean the person listening will like or agree with what you have said, but you will have peace because you have waited on God.

Relationship with God is what matters most and Christ is promising a response that will point to God. For the listener and for you to be in awe of.

It does not get better than that.

God, thank you for this verse that teaches how to handle difficult conversations. Being right, apart from your ways, is simply pride. Guide my words with Your wisdom, and to You be the glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Happy Independence Day!

A flying USA flag with sky in back.

I would love to hear how you are celebrating the 4th of July this year.

Keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

PS For any of you who like updates on my devotional — I am interviewing people about prayer topics that they have life experience with. Praying for your City is multi-faceted and no one can claim experience with each issue. I welcome prayer for my writing process. : )

PSS If this post helped you, would you consider sharing it with someone you know? Thank you. : )

Photo by Alec Favale on Unsplash – Cat and Dog

Photo by Cristina Glebova on Unsplash – USA Flag

“Scripture quotations are from The ESV® Bible (The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.”

Devotional Review: Writing By The Book

Devotional Title

Writing By The Book

Tag Line

101 devotionals that encourage and equip writers to write well


Copywrite 2023 Kathy Widenhouse


Kathy Widenhouse

How I found this book and why I selected it.

I am on the email list for Nonprofit Copywriter, by Kathy Widenhouse. One of her recent emails announced her new release. Congratulations Kathy!

I enjoy the wisdom and clarity of her writing and knew this devotional would provide writers helpful insights.

What did I love about it?

Kathy Widenhouse’s audience is Christian writers; each devotional thought guides writers by teaching, encouraging, and guiding them on their chosen path.

Writing By The Book is available on Kindle. The cool thing about this is that she has embedded links within some of the devotionals. These lead to articles she mentions, other authors, and at times to her site for further reading in that day’s idea. Bonus, there are also links to Bible Gateway.

You can trust Kathy Widenhouse for solid encouragement and advice as you devote yourself to the work of writing.

What I didn’t like about it?

I love the entire read and I enjoyed reading it on my phone’s Kindle app.

If there is ever a physical book, it will go on my wish list.

Who would want it?

Christian writers.

Who would not want it?

A writer who does not use the bible as their compass.

Did it bear fruit?

Yes, she makes me feel normal! As a writer I often feel I am on an island no one has heard of.

Signature line, Keep Walking on Mustard Seeds, Michele

PS I attached the link directly to the devotion reviewed for your ease of looking further into Writing By The Book. Did you find this helpful?

Four Reasons to Pray for Your City, Scripture Included

See back of woman looking out over a city.

You and your neighbors, which is a biblical code word for everyone, are hit daily with news reports revealing a shift far away from God’s plan.

He sees all that is happening in the City and wants to hear your prayers for everyone in it.

How do you know this is true?

1. God tells you to pray for everyone in your City. (1 Timothy 2:1)

God created inclusiveness, wanting everyone to experience the benefits of prayer. When prayers go up in line with His will, he can answer them.

2. Gell tells you how to pray for the people in your City. (1 Timothy 2:1) Yes, same verse.

The Bible gives you instructions and God has provided how to pray for everyone in your City.

3. God tells you what to pray for on their behalf. (Romans 8:26)

When words or ideas don’t come easy, the Holy Spirit can deliver the message of your heart to the Lord. I hope this builds your confidence, no matter the need you pray for someone, you have the authority to do so.

4. God has a promise for you, as a result of praying for your City. (Jeremiah 29:7)

Is it okay to receive something good in return for your prayers? God seems to have created this system and I am not about to question His decision.

The main point:

Part of God’s view for your City is you praying for it.

Your City job title: Prayer Warrior

If it sounds overwhelming to pray for your City, good!

That is the best place to start.

Keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

Have You Read God’s Insurance Policy? WARNING! This article may lower your stress.

Last week, we had a tornado blow through our small town, tornado sirens announcing its approach. Branches were ripped from our trees as I ran for our safe room. The winds were reported to be between 60 and 80 miles per hour.

Green hill with two trees. One far off in the background. One close up. Their branches are being forced sideways by a strong wind.

Insurance Should Build Confidence, not Stress

If you are like my family, you have insurance. Insurance for your cars, your home, and life insurance.

Having these contracts is supposed to bring comfort.

Then Why Worry?

Claiming use of your insurance means phone calls, appointments, rentals, and quotes–all activities that lead to headaches.

Do you agree?

Insurance Policy paperwork, laying flat. On top of paperwork is a toy car, a magnifying glass, and a one-hundred-dollar bill.

Interesting Fact

Insure means to make sure.*

God Wants You to Live Worry Free

How do you live without worry when stressful news hits you daily?

Great question!

The Israelites Stressed

The Israelites needed food in the desert, and God provided mana. Food from heaven every day except on the Sabbath.

He promised to take care of them, and He did.

AKA God’s Insurance

A few brown eggs in an egg carton. They have worried expressions drawn on them.

Isn’t it odd how we are told to fear food, the very thing God created for us to survive?

Have you heard these same headlines? There isn’t enough food. Crops are failing due to extreme weather. Prices will go up. Some natural food is said to hurt your body. Yes, some people have medical conditions and need to make decisions accordingly.

But the big message is to fear food lack, food prices, and that food is hurting you at some level.

Who wants you to stress about food?

The devil.

Easter Insurance

Jesus, we just celebrated on Easter, provides eternity with God if we use our gift of faith and b e l i e v e .

Beyond Easter’s Promise

God wants to help you with all of your decisions, daily guidance, through the Holy Spirit. He is a good and perfect helper.

With eternity settled and daily help provided, God’s Insurance Policy wipes out stress!

Your Turn

What mana does God provide to you?

Go ahead, make a list!

Let’s Pray!

God, thank you for my reader. Will you guide them to see what they no longer need to worry about it? When temptation comes to grab it back, gently remind them that you are more than capable to guide and provide every minute of this day. Thank you! Amen.

Photo by Khamkéo Vilaysing on Unsplash

Photo by Vlad Deep on Unsplash

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

*(According to

Devotional Review of Psalm 91

You have got to read this book!

Devotional Title

Psalm 91 Frontliner and First Responder Edition*

Tag Line

God’s Shield of Protection as You Protect Others


2021 by Peggy Joyce Ruth

Parts of this book were previously published by Charisma House as Psalm 91, 2010


Two authors are noted on the cover in this order:

Peggy Joyce Ruth

Angelia Rush Schum

How I found this book and why I selected it.

I found Psalm 91 Frontliner and First Responder Edition when looking through devotionals at my local Barnes and Noble. I thought I was picking up a devotional, and later that day at home realized it is a 21-chapter teaching on Psalm 91.

I loved the cover; it spoke a promise of ministering to first responders, and wanted to share it with you, my reader.

What I found in it

Peggy Joyce Ruth, according to the Forward and Introduction, had written a well-received book about Psalm 91. She was encouraged to write another book about Psalm 91 that was focused on first responders. And thus, this book was birthed.

Ruth and Angelina Ruth Schum do a great job of explaining every verse in this tightly packed, 125-page book. Each verse’s explanation is backed up with two to three stories of miracles due to the Psalm being prayed over specific people at specific times.

Each chapter pulls examples from battlefield miracles, while some also cite personal experiences. However, not every chapter has a personal story. All 21 sites a wartime move of God’s protection.

It was exciting and challenging to read this book. You will benefit, as I did, reading miracle after miracle. The challenge is to look straight at God’s word and realize either you believe the amazing promises in Psalm 91 or you don’t. And if you believe them, then pray them out.

Who would want it?

You have got to read this book! I found it interesting, even for historical reasons. It was fascinating reading about a famous actor and his personal devotion in wartime and out to Psalm 91. But you have to read it to find out! 🙂

This book says for frontline and first responders. I have to note that there is not a single example of police, fire, or EMT stories. Going strictly off of what the book provides, it fits anyone currently in the military and their family members, as there are examples of the family having prayed Psalm 91 for the person serving.

Who would you gift this to? Share in the comments.

I am going to gift the copy that I read of Psalm 91 Frontliner and First Responder Edition* to our local Black Rifle Coffee. They support veterans, first responders, and law enforcement, and they have a small book area for visitors. Does your coffee shop have books available to read while sipping coffee? *As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

Signature line, Keep Walking on Mustard Seeds, Michele

An Easter Prayer for Your City

Everyone wants to feel invited. Invited to the birthday parties, and the barbeques. God’s desire is for people, all people to know His son. It starts with an invitation.

I have prepared a prayer for us to pray over your City. Before you pray, ask God to show you all the people you have seen this week as you drove around town, shopped, and worked. Or any other activity you took part in. Really capture some faces.

The silhouette of people standing on the other side of a glass wall. It looks like a subway line.

I’ll give you a minute.

Do you have some images from the week? God sees them too, and many more. The ones you don’t see within your regular routines. God is as aware of them just as He is of you.

Your prayer today can affect the ones you do and don’t see. It’s that simple, City Prayer.

Easter is upon us, and churches are ready to receive an overflow of guests.

A Welcome mat at a door. Brown leaves lay on the mat and around it. A person is standing at the mat, feet facing the door. They have a long coat on.

Let’s Pray

Lord, we lift up my Prayer Partner’s City boldly to Your throne. You see every person, the joy, hope, worry, and fear in their heart. Some have questions about You, a deep curiosity. Some are walking away from You, believing lies. And some don’t think you exist, as they enjoy your creation. May each of them be drawn to a local church. May they feel welcomed and wanted, invited inside. May Your love greet them at the door and the gospel truth capture and resurrect their hearts. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Stone grave with large round stone rolled to the side signifying Christ's empty grave.

Happy Resurrection Sunday to you and your family!

If you don’t want to miss out on a single post, please sign up to receive these via email.

I am excited about the devotional I will be reviewing next week. It is called PSALM 91, Fronliner, and First Responder Edition. The author is Peggy Joyce Ruth.

Keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

Photo by Yolanda Suen on Unsplash (people)

Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash (welcome mat)

What forgiveness is, isn’t, or maybe I’m wrong. (A series of three parts.) Part III

Will you forgive or is it even a choice? Come along with me and read my third and final installment of look at forgiveness. It has benefits you need.

Pained window that is dirty. A heart shape is drawn on the dirty glass.

“And he went a little further, and fell on his face, and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me…” (Matthew 26:39a KJV)

What if Jesus never left the garden?

This prayer between Jesus and God reveals his heart’s cry for another way. It also reveals he is compassionate toward our weaknesses. (Hebrews 4:15-16)

At one point, the disciples asked Jesus how to pray, and part of it goes something like “… forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” (Matthew 6:12)

Forgiveness is to be a knee-jerk reaction. There is a commandment that is similar,  to love your neighbor as yourself.

If pressed to forgive someone, would you cry out to God, asking for this responsibility to leave you? There are a lot of what people call unforgivable sins.

A co-worker backstabbed me.

Children are abused.

Adults are abused.

People are murdered.

Money is stolen.

The bible names the one unforgivable sin, sinning against the Holy Spirit. (Mark 3:28-30; Matthew 12:31-32)


White laptop, half closed, on brown table. White and black office chair facing the table. White mouse sits next to laptop.

Before you dismiss this blog post, a gift is on the other side of forgiveness. Good that comes your way will be damaged by unforgiveness; like a limb that is infected, it spreads to the rest of the body. Unforgiveness affects all of your relationships and, eventually, your health.


Celebrating Jesus’ resurrection this Sunday reminds us of the opportunity for a full and free life. There is joy for your heart and mind when free from the weight of sin. But we must forgive others for the fullest flight possible.


Black and white photo of pebbles on a beach, of various sizes.

People can become offended by the simplest things. A rude driver or one not paying attention cuts us off. The post office line is just too long! There are too many people in the grocery store.

What offends you when you are short-tempered or short on time? We all have pet peeves that pop up in weak moments.

What if each unforgiven offense, or the bigger unforgivable sins, was represented by a tiny stone, filling up your heart, weighing you down? There would be less room in your heart to freely interact with others.

Do you have just a few pebbles? Maybe you can feel them jingle around as you go to work or church. Or are there so many tiny stones that it has created a great wall within your heart?

Heaven’s Perspective or Maybe I’m Wrong

Art created image of clouds with white open door, signifying door to heaven.

Those pebbles won’t make it past the Pearly Gates. God will call you into account about them. Maybe I am wrong, but I think examining the pebbles on this side of heaven with God is a wiser choice. Remembering Jesus’ plea in the garden might make it easier too.

God, I have some pebbles in my heart. I am sorry when I treat forgiveness as an option. I don’t want to carry unforgiveness with me any longer. I am not even aware of all that I have stacked up. I forgive it all! I forgive it all, Lord. If a stone remains and festers, remind me to forgive. Show me how to remove this stone as far as the east is from the west. In You, I entrust my heart. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

Your turn. What are your thoughts about Jesus’ sacrifice and our responsibility with it?

Photo by Aditya Chinchure on Unsplash (Pebbles)

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash (Heart on glass)

Photo by Tim Wilson on Unsplash (flying duck)

Photo by Luca Bravo on Unsplash (laptop)

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay (clouds and door)

What forgiveness is, isn’t, or maybe I’m wrong. (A series of three parts.) Part II

My apologies! Please forgive me. This post is a bit late — but timely.

What is the hardest part of forgiveness?

Have you ever forgiven someone, and the pain from what they did still keeps coming up? Or maybe you have hurt someone, and regret attacks you on the pillow as you try to sleep.

I have forgiven much.

I have been forgiven much.

Something always remains – a residue that needs some cleaning up. A broken heart or a broken body, sin leaves its mark.

Locks on a fence overlooking a waterfilled canyon.

I am NOT a psychologist, a therapist, or attempting to be one. But, I have experienced needing to forgive others. Most of the time, when I forgive, there remain things to reason out with God and be healed by God.

Don’t miss this part!

Our healing won’t be possible unless we forgive. If you are standing with your arms crossed shouting, “I am fine!” and have not forgiven, you are not healed.

Side Note

Neutral stairwell with orange walls.

Have you ever said, “I can never forgive this person for this one thing”?

God requires it from you, complete forgiveness of everyone for everything. This is what Christ died for, each and every sin that ever has and ever would be committed. When we don’t forgive, it is saying Christ’s sacrifice was incomplete.

Forgiving reveals God’s fingerprint upon your life; your spiritual DNA comes from Heaven’s zipcode. You are part of God’s testimony when you forgive.

Lastly, there are no exceptions to God’s command in this area. Nowhere in the bible does it say, “Michele (<— fill in your name) does not have to forgive so-and-so”.

What Forgiveness Isn’t

Black background. Small red arrows laid in the shape of a large arrow. The small arrows are pointing in the opposite direction of the large arrow.

Forgiveness is not making the offense okay. It was a wrong act when it happened and stands as a wrong done.

Forgiveness is not allowing repeated bad behavior against you.

Forgiveness is NOT forgetting. It is humanly impossible to make yourself forget an offense. BUT, you do not need to dwell upon it. Who does it serve to sit in the pain of the memory? It steals your joy, energy, and purpose for today.

Who does that sound like, someone who came to steal, kill, and destroy? That would be the devil.

Forgiveness is the Balm

Years ago, I broke my wrist, requiring resetting it (ouch) and a firm brace to be worn for six weeks. After six weeks, I could remove the brace for therapy and, at other times to regain my strength. During the healing, I needed pain medication. Next over-the-counter pain relievers were helpful, especially after the physical therapy appointments.

Think of the act of forgiveness as the brace, correcting things for the long run. But before the complete healing, there will be pain. There will be obstacles and changes to living that must be made.

Pray from others; prayers for yourself can be your medication. Time in the word, listening to a worship song, or a walk can make room for perspective and more healing.

Cry. Yell. Write in a journal. Please, be kind to you, and don’t store up hate in your heart.

But when your pain spikes, and it likely will, do not mistake it for unforgiveness if you have forgiven. Days or weeks after my injury, the pain would flair in my wrist. The pain now signified I was on the road to recovery, not at the moment when the injury occurred.

The size of the pain may reveal the size of the wound, but you are headed toward healing once you forgive.

Back on Track

Runners while track field lines on black backround.

God, As I extend your gift of forgiveness to another, help me heal from the wound created. I trust that one day I will see how you will use the testimony for your purpose. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

If you would like help with boundaries in relationships, I have learned much from the work of Dr. Henry Cloud. He has books and an online platform offering sound advice with a biblical perspective. He may have other resources; these are simply the ones I have used.

What are your thoughts on forgiveness? I would love to hear.

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

Photo by Maria Cappelli on Unsplash (locks)

Photo by Ambrose Chua on Unsplash (stairwell)

Photo by 愚木混株 cdd20 on Unsplash (arrow)

What forgiveness is, isn’t, or maybe I’m wrong. (A series of three parts.) Part I

When someone shares about an offense that has occurred, I often say, “I’m sorry that happened.” To which some respond, “You have nothing to be sorry for; you didn’t do it.”

The word emergency in white on a red sign in front of a hospital.

Conversely, when I have shared about an offense happening to me and the listener says, “I’m so sorry.” I understand this to mean they are sorry for the pain I am in. They are sorry that I am hurting. It brings a bit of comfort to the wound.

This repeated response from others left me wondering if I shouldn’t be saying, “I’m sorry,” when I did not create the injury. So I headed to my trusty dictionary, the 1928 Webster’s version because I’m – older. 😊

Tall bookcase with old bound books. Rolling ladder crosses the front of them for climbing up to higher shelves.

It says sorry is used when you are grieved about a loss or evil that has happened to a person or country. To me, this means I can use it as a term of compassion, but so can the offender.

What does this have to do with forgiveness?

White stone etching of Christ carrying the cross.

Because I am writing about forgiveness this month, it seems opportunities have come to forgive, or I am more astutely aware because I am blogging about it. Either way, these offenses hurt.

One example from this month, as I loaded my car with groceries at my local Sam’s Club, a woman approached me. She informed me a lady slammed into the front of my parked car with her truck and then drove off to another parking place.

What? No note. No accountability. No, “I’m sorry.”

There are worse examples of offense in the world, and there are lesser ones. As a Christian, I have one job when faced with a loss or evil done to me.

I am to forgive.

The Cross of Compassion

Office windows, at night. The lights inside the office allow you to see ceilings and part of the office settings, and people in a few.

Jesus’ death on the cross was an act of compassion from God to us. Like the men who were going to stone the woman to death, Jesus said that any of them who had never sinned could throw the first stone.

I have sinned. I will sin again. It is a guarantee. And so will you.

“And when they came to the place that is called The Skull, there they crucified him and the criminals, one on his right and one on his left. And Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”” (Luke 23:33-34 ESV)

Mirrors Reveal

Remember the first time you stood by mirrors, and their positioning showed an infinite number of your reflections? This statement by Jesus reflects the uncountable number of offenses from the beginning of creation until he returns.

They didn’t know how much this sacrifice pained God.

They didn’t know they were killing the Kind of kings.

They didn’t know Christ’s death would free them from their tresspasses.

Jesus’ compassion, for us, at that moment, cripples my own defense to hold onto an offense. I pray it does for you too.

Someone standing at a door mat that says, Come as you are.

Jesus, help us see when we are being the men with stones in our hands. Amen.

Your Turn

Do you apologize too, when someone shares a painful story with you?

Until next week, keep Walking on Mustard Seeds,

Michele Marie Weisman

PS I would appreciate some prayer as I interview people with applicabale life experiences for my Devotional. Thank you!

Photo by Mike Kononov on Unsplash (Office Windows)

Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash (Christ with Cross)

Photo by Henry Be on Unsplash (old books)

Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash (emergency)